Finding yourself a Mentor

Today I want to explain the importance of mentoring...which is essentially the act of working with someone that is more skilled than you in a particular subject to improve your own skills.

Quite powerful really...

There are different types of learners in this world.  Those who like to be in a classroom with a teacher they can get help from, and those that can read from a book and "get it".

I think that about 98% of us are the classroom type, requiring a teacher for truly effective learning.  That is also why I want to explain today the power of a community like Wealthy Affiliate in the sense that you do not just have one or two mentors, you have the ability to connect with 1,000's.

People with different skills than you.

People with different knowledge than you.

And people that achieved success differently from you.

People like you and I have grown up being mentored.  This started in our earliest childhood memories, being mentored by our parents, our grandparents, and if you are like me and had an older brother, friends, and our siblings (or is that tormenting...haha).

Then as we grew older, we had teachers, we had coaches, we had instructors.  All these mentors led to us achieving greater results.  Without my baseball coach, I probably wouldn't have hit so many home runs...and without some of my teachers, I would not be the person or achieved the scholastic values that I have today.

So, the importance of mentors is completely obvious.

One more quick example for you..

I was reading an article the other day on the impact of having a mentor or having "in shape" friends when you are trying to lose weight.  The report (out of a Men's Fitness magazine) stated that you have a 173% greater chance of losing weight because of who your friends were (in shape vs. overweight).

This means without mentorship, you have a 173% greater chance of being overweight.

I thought about this for a second after reading it.  I like to think that I am in pretty good shape as I get out and run five days per week. I thought about my social group around me.  Guess what, they are all in pretty good shape too.

This number tends to be much higher when relating to online success.  We have noticed that within the WA Community, people that take advantage of the interaction opportunity tend to be much more successful.  I would say that people that take part in the community have a 300-400% higher success rate... and they get there a lot faster.

That is vastly significant....however, not everyone takes advantage of it!


Some people are scared to say something stupid.  Some people don't think they can really get support because they are used to paying $1,000's for the same thing.

Whichever the case, they are not good excuses.  There is no such thing as stupid questions when you are learning something.  That is how most of us asking questions!!

Same with not being "used" to included mentorship and support.  That is what we do at WA and that is what we enjoy doing.  We like helping others...we don't think this should be a strange proposition but it has become this way within the screwed up Internet marketing world.

You probably get offers all day every day with mentoring packages.  There are many GURU'S (we are not guru's)...that feed off of the idea of mentoring and charge an arm and a leg for it.

The problem is that these $1,000+(usually more like $5,000) mentoring packages are handed off to trained employees whom haven't ever created success for themselves.

How does that work?

Well, you see these trained puppets are told what to say and how to say it.  They teach you how to keep you going through guides and manuals that they are given to teach you from.  Basically, you are getting trained by a student instead of the teacher.

Is this fair?


That is why Carson and I shake our heads when we see this...and also why we personally mentor people within our community for no extra cost.  We would rather help someone succeed within our community, rather than trying to upsell them on more mentoring...

In about this offer...

Wealthy Affiliate gives you access to 1,000's of mentors who are successful Internet marketers.  You can connect with these people within the community as well as have access to us personally, for less than $1/day.

We want to be the good guys.  We don't want to charge you a ton of money because we value our reputation more than millions of extra dollars every year.

Anyways...I have done enough rambling for today.  I just wanted you to know the power of mentoring and the power of working within communities where people want to help.  To learn how to succeed it is ideal to learn from people that are successful online.  That is what we offer within our little community called Wealthy Affiliate!

Take it easy and have and great week!


1/2 Owner of Wealthy Affiliate

PS.  If you join WA I know you won't regret it.  Carson and I are in there every day helping people just like yourself succeed online...and you have the ability to connect with our most successful members...some of them making in excess of $2 million per year!


Niche Marketing Inc.
P.O Box 13243 549 Michigan St.
Victoria, BC